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Note to the Small Group Leader

Thank you for purchasing RHEMAin. It is my prayer that this Bible Study activity will serve as a tool for spiritual growth for you and your small group family. I’ve been playing RHEMAin with different groups of people since April of 2020 and I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve seen many people gain a intimate understanding of the Word of God. The ultimate goal of the game is life application.

I want to share with you some very important advice as the Leader.

Gameplay experience: As leader, you govern the overall Bible Study experience

  • Recitals: Law vs. Grace (see instruction booklet for explanation)

  • Set The Tone: No one gets to merely memorize the scripture. We want to encourage everyone to understand the Word before memorizing. The Personal Journal is designed to help you answer those important questions which lead to understanding and application. Gently challenge anyone whom you suspect has only memorized the passage and remind them that there is no benefit to just memorizing the words. We need to hold each other accountable.

  • Delegation: Delegate tasks such as board game setup/breakdown, score keeper, scripture checker, trivia. Getting others involved is a small way to build up the next small group leader/host.

  • Prayer: At the end of each session, go around and ask for prayer requests from each person. Record the prayer requests in the Personal Journal. I usually have each person pray for the person to their left. Encourage the group to pray for one another outside of the session

May God bless your journey to understand, apply, and memorize his holy word. May your lives be enriched by partaking in this activity.

Thank you,

Michael Ross

Revelator, LLC


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